Sumac Muyu Foundation
The Sumac Muyu Foundation is a non profit foundation registrered by the Ministry of Environment in Ecuador, ministerial agreement N# 113
It is a non-profit organization oriented towards the origination and implementation of actions focusing on species, habitats, genetic diversity and natural resources conservation, with the purpose of creating an environment in which Man and Nature live in harmony.
Through its conservation efforts, the Sumac Muyu Foundation (SMF) seeks a balance between conservation and human impact, with a view of establishing a quality of life improvement based on sustainable use of the resources existing in the area.
The goal of SMF is to promote Ecuador's biodiversity conservation, focusing more particularly on species endangered by habitat loss. This goal will be reached thanks to sustainable management of natural resources and with careful control of environemental pollution, in order to improve local population's well-being.
The SMF involves local communities in various type of management's process, and spread ecological information through environmental and educational projects.