Created in 2008, Sumac Muyu Foundation is an Ecuadorian NGO focusing on species and habitat Conservation to preserve genetic diversity and natural resources, with the purpose of creating an environment in which Man and Nature manage to live in Harmony.
Most of our Conservation efforts are centered on the eastern slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes, within Sumaco Biosphere Reserve and along the Bigal-Payamino Biological Corridor.
By purchasing and managing land in the area, we have been able to secure the future of many rare and endangered species, including 7 species of monkeys, 5 species of wildcats, 3 species of anteaters, 2 species of wild dogs, 80 species of reptiles and equal number of amphibians, 530 species of birds, and 750 species of tropical butterflies.
The goal of SMF is to promote Ecuador’s biodiversity conservation, focusing more particularly on species endangered by habitat loss. This goal will be reached thanks to sustainable management of natural resources and with careful control of environemental pollution, in order to improve local population’s well-being.